Secondary Database

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo Secondary Questions

Here are Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo secondary questions.

Secondary Essay Editing


1-In 300 words or fewer, share how you hope to impact medicine at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and in the Western New York community. If you need additional inspiration, please feel free to explore our Well Beyond Curriculum Well Beyond Curriculum.

2-In 300 words or fewer, please explain how you would respond to a fellow student who muttered a racist or homophobic statement under their breath in your presence and that of other peers?

3-In 300 words or fewer, outside of medicine and beyond the details of your application, please share with us what you do for self-care and/or what brings you joy, and why?


1. In 500 words or fewer, please explain your reasons for applying to the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo. Please be specific.

2. In 500 words or fewer, please explain how you would respond to a fellow student who muttered a racist or homophobic statement under their breath in your presence and that of other peers?


In 500 words or fewer, please explain your reasons for applying to the University at Buffalo’s Jacobs School of Medicine. Please be specific.

In 500 words or fewer, please explain how you would respond to a fellow student who muttered a racist or homophobic statement under their breath in your presence and that of other peers?

To some extent, everyone in the US has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 500 words or fewer, please explain the ways in which you and your family have been adversely affected by this pandemic. (OPTIONAL)


In 500 words or fewer, please explain your reasons for applying to the University at Buffalo’s Jacobs School of Medicine. Please be specific.

In 500 words or fewer, please explain how you would respond to a fellow student who muttered a racist or homophobic statement under their breath in your presence and that of other peers.


Submit a form regarding demographic info, interested specialties, and enrollment in online classes.


Submit a form regarding demographic info, interested specialties, and enrollment in online classes.

2017 – 2018

There were no essay prompts in the secondary application for the 2017-2018 cycle.

Secondaries can make or break an application. With numerous essays, generic questions, and deadlines, secondary applications for medical school can be overwhelming.
Get secondary application advising from MedSchoolCoach.

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