Secondary Database

Texas Tech University Health Sciences School of Medicine Secondary Questions

Here are Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine’s secondary questions.

Secondary Essay Editing


1) Area of Interests: (150 word limit per selection)

– Practice in an underserved area and/or work with an underserved population
– Rural/Border health
– Medical Research/Academics
– Primary Care
– Other (Please describe below)

2) Have you experienced any road bumps in your academic career? (Low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.)
(250 word limit if you select “yes”)

3) Please share any lessons learned during your academic journey. For example, a time a goal of yours was deterred and maybe even halted, how did you handle that situation? (250 words or less)

4) If you are applying to a dual degree program, please rank them in order of preference.

5) Are you applying to our MD & E program? (additional prompts if “yes”)

6) Are you applying to FMAT? (additional prompts if “yes”)

7) Have you experienced any hardship or adversity, personally or professionally? (200 word limit if “yes)

8) Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (100 words or less)

9) Please share with us your ideal practice. For example: Where would you practice? Who would your patients be? What would your specialty be? (100-word limit)

10) Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties? If yes, what town or county did you reside in, or what other factors would you cite? (100 words or less)

11) Do you consider yourself to be first generation? If yes, please explain your reasoning (Examples of Definition: both of your parents are born outside of the USA, both of your parents have education or a degree outside of the USA, both of your parents do not have an education higher than high school). (100 world limit if “yes” – optional)

12) Have you ever participated in any TTUHSC special programs?
Middle School to Medical School (M2M)
Early Dedication to Medical Education (EDME)
Future Healthcare Professional’s Experience (FHPE)
Summer Enrichment Program (SEP)
Premedical Enrichment Program (PEP)
Graduate Medical Education Sciences (GMES)


On some of the OPTIONAL questions, an essay space box may appear if you answer “yes”)

1. Please indicate the area(s) of medicine you are interested in and briefly describe your significant activities for each respective interest in the available text box (100 words)(Required).

  • Practicing in an underserved area
  • Rural Health
  • Medical Research
  • Medical Academics
  • Primary Care
  • Border Health
  • Public Health
  • Other (Please describe below)

2. Have you experienced any road bumps in your academic career? (Low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.). If so, please explain (250 words or less)

3. Please share any lessons learned during your academic journey. For example, a time a goal of yours was deterred and maybe even halted, how did you handle that situation? (250 words or less)(Required).

4. If you are applying to a dual degree program, please rank them in order of preference

5. Are you applying to our MD & E program?

6. Are you applying to FMAT?

7. Have you experienced any hardship or adversity, personally or professionally? If yes, please share your experience with us. (200 words or less)

8. Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (100 words or less)(Required).

9. Please share with us your ideal practice. For example: Where would you practice? Who would your patients be? What would your specialty be? (100-word limit)(Required).

10. Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties? If yes, what town or county did you reside in, or what other factors would you cite? (100 words or less)

11. Do you consider yourself to be first generation? If yes, please explain your reasoning (Examples of Definition: both of your parents are born outside of the USA, both of your parents have education or a degree outside of the USA, both of your parents do not have an education higher than high school). If yes, then explain? (100 words or less)

12. Have you ever participated in any TTUHSC special programs?

  • Middle School to Medical School (M2M)
  • Early Dedication to Medical Education (EDME)
  • Future Healthcare Professional’s Experience (FHPE)
  • Summer Enrichment Program (SEP)
  • Premedical Enrichment Program (PEP)
  • Graduate Medical Education Sciences (GMES)
  • N/A

2022-2023 Texas Tech Lubbock Secondary Essay Prompts:

Areas of Interest
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is responsible for providing primary health care to 108 counties of West Texas. We are interested in hearing about the areas of medicine that interest you.

Please indicate the area(s) of medicine you are interested in and briefly describe your significant activities for each respective interest in the available text box (if checked, a box will appear with a 100 word limit)

-Practicing in an underserved area
-Rural health
-Medical Research
-Medical Academics
-Primary Care
-Border Health
-Public Health
-Other (Please describe below)


The only prompts that are REQUIRED are 2. and 7.

1. Have you experienced any road bumps in your academic career? (Low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.) (yes or no)
1. 1 If so, please explain your circumstance. (250 words or less)

2. Please share any lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic that you would like the admissions committee to consider – either regarding yourself or your community – about any or all of the topics below? (300 words or less)

  • Disruptions in your academic, volunteer, work, community and or personal life.
  • Creative ways in which you were able to serve your community during the crisis.
  • Hardships you may have faced as a result of isolation, quarantine or illness

3. If you are applying to a dual degree program, please briefly describe your motivation to pursue this program and any other pertinent information. (e.g. research interests, steps taken to prepare yourself) (Note that if you select more than one program in this section you will be required to rank them in order of importance. 200 words or less)(note that you get 200 words for each program if you choose more than one)

4. Are you applying to our MD & E program? (yes or no)
4.1 Describe your motivation to pursue this program, be sure to include how you expect to benefit from the program. (200 words or less)
4.2 How do you anticipate this program making you a more efficient caregiver? (200 words or less)
4.3 Please list the highest-level math/chemistry/physics course you have taken or are currently taking. (200 words or less)
4.4 What projects have you been involved in that require programming and/or machine languages? What languages do you prefer? ( 200 words or less)

5. Are you applying FMAT? (yes or no)
5.1 What motivates you to participate in the FMAT program (200 words or less)?
5.2 What experiences have you had that would prepare you for this intensive program (200 words or less)?
5.3 What, in your opinion, distinguishes Family Medicine from other medical specialties (200 words or less)?

6. Have you experienced any hardship or adversity, personally or professionally? (yes or no)
if so, please share your experience with us. (200 words or less)

7. Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (200 words or less)

8. Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties? (yes or no)
8.1 If yes, what town or county did you reside in, or what other factors would you cite? (100 words or less)

9. Have you participated in any special programs offered by a medical school to help prepare yourself for medical school and a career in medicine? (yes or no)
9.1 If yes, what was the name of the program and where was this program hosted (sponsoring school)? (100 words or less)


  • The mission of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Paul L. Foster School of Medicine is to provide an outstanding education and development opportunities for a diverse group of students, residents, faculty, and staff; advance knowledge through innovation and research; and serve the needs of our socially and culturally diverse communities and region.” Recognizing the components of this mission and that PLFSOM is located on the US/Mexico border, please describe why you are interested in applying to our school. (300 words or less)
  • The Foster SOM student honor code states “In my capacity as a Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso School of Medicine medical student, I will uphold the dignity of the medical profession. I will, to the best of my ability, avoid actions which might result in harm to my patients. I will protect the dignity of my patients and the deceased, and will protect their confidential information in accordance with the prevailing standards of medical practice. I will not lie, cheat, or steal. I will enter into professional relationships with my colleagues, teachers, and other health care professionals in a manner that is respectful and reflective of the high standards and expectations of my profession. I will not tolerate violations of this Code by others and will report such violations to the appropriate authorities.” Please describe past experiences or personal attributes that reflect your affinity with this honor code. (300 words or less)
  • Please describe any unique personal experiences or disadvantage (educational, financial or otherwise) and their significance to you in your pursuit of a medical degree. (300 words or less)


Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is responsible for providing primary health care to 108 counties of West Texas. We are interested in hearing about the areas of medicine that interest you.

Please indicate the area(s) of medicine you are interested in and briefly describe your significant activities for each respective interest in the available text box in100 words or less each.

  • FMAT
  • Practicing in an underserved area
  • Rural health
  •  Medical Research
  • Medical Academics
  • Primary Care
  • Border Health
  • Public Health
  • Other (Please describe)

Supplemental Information

Have you experienced any road bumps in your academic career? (Low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.) (Yes/No)

What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from; your hometown? (300 words or less)

Please describe what you would see as the “ideal” practice for you. (Where, what type of practice – clinic, hospital, specialty, who would be your patients, etc.). (300 words or less)

If you are applying to a dual degree program, please briefly describe your motivation to pursue this program and any other pertinent information. (e.g. research interests, steps taken to prepare yourself) (350 words or less) [Options are MD/MBA, MD/MPH, MD/PhD, MD/JD, or None of the above]

Have you experienced any hardship or adversity, personally or professionally? (Yes/No)

Are you applying to FMAT? (Yes/No)

Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (300 words or less).

Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties? (Yes/No)

Have you participated in any special programs offered by a medical school to help prepare yourself for medical school and a career in medicine? (Yes/No)


  1. Select your area(s) of interest (please check all that apply). For each selected area, please list related activities; completed, current or planned. There is a 100 word limit for each selected area:​
    • Practicing in an underserved area
    • Rural health
    • Medical Research
    • Medical Academics
    • Primary Care
    • Border Health
    • Other (please describe below)
  1. Have you experienced any road bumps in your academic career? (low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.)​ If yes, please explain your circumstance. (300 words or less)​
  1. What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from; your hometown? (300 words or less)​
  2. Please describe what you would see as the “ideal” practice for you. (Where, what type of practice – clinic, hospital, specialty, who would be your patients, etc.). (300 words or less)​
  3. If you are applying to a dual degree program, please briefly describe your motivation to pursue this program and any other pertinent information. (e.g. research interests, steps taken to prepare yourself) (350 words or less)​
  4. Have you experienced any hardship or adversity; personally or professionally?​

5.1 If yes, please share your experience with us.​

  1. Are you applying to FMAT?​

6.1 What is your marital status?​

6.2. What town and state(s) have you lived in to age 18?:​

6.3. What motivates you to participate in the FMAT program? (300 words or less)​

6.4. What experiences have you had that would prepare you for this intensive program? (300 words or less)​

6.5. What, in your opinion, distinguishes Family Medicine from other medical specialties? (300 words or less)​

  1. Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities. (300 words or less)​
  2. Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties?​

8.1 If yes, what town or county did you reside in, or what other factors would you cite? (100 words or less)​

  1. Have you participated in any special programs offered by a medical school to help prepare yourself for medical school and a career in medicine?​

9.1. If yes, what was the name of the program and where was this program hosted (sponsoring school)? (200 words or less)​


Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is responsible for providing primary health care to 108 counties of West Texas. We are interested in hearing about the areas of medicine that interest you.

Please indicate the area(s) of medicine you are interested in and briefly describe your significant activities for each respective interest in the available text box.

1. Areas of interest: 100 words or less each
b. Practicing in an underserved area
c. Rural health
d. Medical Research
e. Medical Academics
f. Primary Care
g. Border Health
h. Public Health Other (Please describe below)

2. Of the activities listed in your primary application, identify 3 that you consider to be the most meaningful in your pursuit of a medical career and explain why. (300 words or less)

3. Have you experienced any road bumps in your academic career? (Low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.)
a. Yes
b. No

4. What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from; your hometown? (300 words or less)

5. Please describe what you would see as the “ideal” practice for you. (Where, what type of practice – clinic, hospital, specialty, who would be your patients, etc.). (300 words or less)

6. If you are applying to a dual degree program, please briefly describe your motivation to pursue this program and any other pertinent information. (e.g. research interests, steps taken to prepare yourself) (350 words or less)
d. MD/PhD (must complete the AMCAS application as the primary application)
e. MD/JD (must complete the AMCAS application as the primary application)
f. I am not applying to a dual degree or special program

7. Are you applying to FMAT?
a. Yes
b. No

8. Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (300 words or less).

9. Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties?
a. Yes
b. No

10. Have you participated in any special programs offered by a medical school to help prepare yourself for medical school and a career in medicine?
a. Yes
b. No


1. As a medical school that is focused on primary care with some emphasis on rural health, we are interested in the areas our applicants are considering of practicing. Please indicate the area(s) of medicine you are interested in and briefly describe your significant activities for each respective interest. Please list them individually in a bulleted format in the text box provided below. If you are interested in something other than primary care, please indicate your interest in the OTHER category.
F-MAT (Family Medicine Acc. Track)
Practicing in an underserved area
Interested in rural health
Medical Research
Medical Academics
Primary Care
Border Health
Public Health

2. List your activities (completed, current or planned) related to the selections made in question #1.

3. Have you experienced any academic road bumps in your academic career (low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.)? (Y/N)

4. If so, please explain your circumstance:

5. What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from; your hometown (500 words or less)?

6. In 500 words or less please describe what you would see as the “ideal” practice for you. (Where, type of practice — clinic, hospital, both, specialty, who would be your patients, etc.)

7. (Optional) If you are applying to the MD/MBA, MD/MPH, MD/PhD, JD/MD or FMAT program(s), please briefly describe your motivation to pursue this program and any other pertinent information. (e.g. research interests, steps taken to prepare yourself)

8. Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (500 words or less).

9. Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties?

10. Have you participated in any special programs offered by a medical school, to help prepare yourself for medical school and a career in medicine?

11. Are you applying to FMAT?
a. Marital Status
b. Town and State(s) you lived in from birth to age 18
c. Are you a current student of TTUHSC SOM?
d. What motivates you to participate in the FMAT program (300 words)?
e. What experiences have you had that would prepare you for this intensive program (300 words)?
f. What, in your opinion, distinguishes Family Medicine from other medical specialties (300 words)?

Good luck to everyone applying!


1. As a medical school that is focused on primary care with some emphasis on rural health, we are interested in the areas our applicants are considering of practicing. Please indicate the area(s) of medicine you are interested in and briefly describe your significant activities for each respective interest. Please list them individually in a bulleted format in the text box provided below. If you are interested in something other than primary care, please indicate your interest in the OTHER category.

F-MAT (Family Medicine Acc. Track)
Practicing in an underserved area
Interested in rural health
Medical Research
Medical Academics
Primary Care
Border Health
Public Health

2. List your activities (completed, current or planned) related to the selections made in question #1.
3. Have you experienced any academic road bumps in your academic career (low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.)? (Y/N)
4. If so, please explain your circumstance:
5. What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from; your hometown (500 words or less)?
6. In 500 words or less please describe what you would see as the “ideal” practice for you. (Where, type of practice — clinic, hospital, both, specialty, who would be your patients, etc.)
7. (Optional) If you are applying to the MD/MBA, MD/MPH, MD/PhD, JD/MD or FMAT program(s), please briefly describe your motivation to pursue this program and any other pertinent information. (e.g. research interests, steps taken to prepare yourself)
8. Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (500 words or less).
9. Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties?
10. Have you participated in any special programs offered by a medical school, to help prepare yourself for medical school and a career in medicine?
11. Are you applying to FMAT?
a. Marital Status
b. Town and State(s) you lived in from birth to age 18
c. Are you a current student of TTUHSC SOM?
d. What motivates you to participate in the FMAT program (300 words)?
e. What experiences have you had that would prepare you for this intensive program (300 words)?
f. What, in your opinion, distinguishes Family Medicine from other medical specialties (300 words)?


As a medical school that is focused on primary care with some emphasis on rural health, we are interested in the areas our applicants are considering of practicing. Please indicate the area(s) of medicine you are interested in and briefly describe your significant activities for each respective interest. Please list them individually in a bulleted format in the text box provided below. If you are interested in something other than primary care, please indicate your interest in the OTHER category. Also, all applicants must answer Question #2.

1. Areas of interest:

Interested in the F-MAT (Family Medicine Accelerated Track)

Interested in practicing in an underserved area.

Interested in rural health.

Medical Research

Medical Academics

Primary Care

Border Health


2. List your activities (completed, current or planned) related to the selections made in question #1.

3. Have you experienced any academic road bumps in your academic career (low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.)?

4. If you answered yes to question #3 above, please explain:

5. What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from; your hometown (500 words or less)?

6. In 500 words or less please describe what you would see as the “ideal” practice for you. (where, type of practice — clinic, hospital, both, specialty, who would be your patients, etc.)

7. (Optional) If you are applying to the MD/MBA, MD/PhD, JD/MD or FMAT program(s); please briefly describe your motivation to pursue this program and any other pertinent information. (e.g. research interests, steps taken to prepare yourself)

8. Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (500 words or less)


As a medical school that is focused on primary care with some emphasis on rural health, we are interested in the areas our applicants are considering of practicing. Please indicate the area(s) of medicine you are interested in and briefly describe your significant activities for each respective interest. Please list them individually in a bulleted format in the text box provided below. If you are interested in something other than primary care, please indicate your interest in the OTHER category. Also, all applicants must answer Question #2.

1. Areas of interest:

Interested in the F-MAT (Family Medicine Accelerated Track)

Interested in practicing in an underserved area.

Interested in rural health.

Medical Research

Medical Academics

Primary Care

Border Health


2. List your activities (completed, current or planned) related to the selections made in question #1.

3. Have you experienced any academic road bumps in your academic career (low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.)?

4. If you answered yes to question #3 above, please explain:

5. What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from; your hometown (500 words or less)?

6. In 500 words or less please describe what you would see as the “ideal” practice for you. (where, type of practice — clinic, hospital, both, specialty, who would be your patients, etc.)

7. (Optional) If you are applying to the MD/MBA, MD/PhD, JD/MD or FMAT program(s); please briefly describe your motivation to pursue this program and any other pertinent information. (e.g. research interests, steps taken to prepare yourself)

8. Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (500 words or less)


Secondaries can make or break an application. With numerous essays, generic questions, and deadlines, secondary applications for medical school can be overwhelming.
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