Here are Rutgers New Jersey Medical School’s secondary questions.
We are committed to supporting our NJMS community by enhancing collaboration between students, staff, and faculty, with a dedicated focus on humanism, health equity and social justice. How do you envision yourself contributing to the NJMS community?
We seek students who are respectful, self-aware, humble, resilient, team-oriented, and adaptable. Discuss a personal or professional challenge you have experienced and share insight on what you learned about yourself and how the challenge was resolved.
If you have chosen to pursue any “growth/gap” time prior to applying or prior to your intended matriculation to medical school, please share insight on your decision for growth/gap time:
If you will not be a full-time student between July 2024 and July 2025, please describe in detail your planned activities, including projected time commitment for each activity during that time:
If you are a re-applicant, please share what you have done to enhance your candidacy and re-application?
Please elaborate on challenges not thoroughly addressed anywhere else in your application (Please feel free to address any or all of the following if applicable: Institutional Actions, Academic and/or MCAT inconsistencies, personal challenges,):
Please discuss any additional information you feel may help us in our review of your candidacy:
Please share why you have decided to apply as an Early Decision applicant, as well as insight on your Motivation for NJMS:
As an Early Decision applicant, how do you intend to enhance your preparation for a successful transition into NJMS over the next year:
All 1500 characters.
1. We are committed to supporting our NJMS community by enhancing collaboration between students, staff, and faculty, with a dedicated focus on humanism, health equity and social justice. How do you envision yourself contributing to the NJMS community?
2. We seek students who are respectful, self-aware, humble, resilient, team-oriented, and adaptable. Discuss a personal or professional challenge you have experienced and share insight on what you learned about yourself and how the challenge was resolved.
3. If you will not be a full-time student between June 2023 and August 2024, please describe in detail your planned activities, including projected time commitment for each activity:
4. If you have chosen to pursue one or more “growth” years prior to your planned matriculation to medical school in 2024, please share insight on your decision
5. If you are a re-applicant, please share what you have done to enhance your candidacy and re-application?
6. Please elaborate on challenges not thoroughly addressed anywhere else in your application (Please feel free to address any or all of the following if applicable: Institutional Actions, Academic and/or MCAT inconsistencies, personal challenges,):
7. Please discuss any additional information you feel may help us in our review of your candidacy
- We are committed to an environment which fosters collaboration, humanism, equity and social justice. With this in mind, how will you contribute to the NJMS community? (1500 character limit)
- We seek students who are self-aware, resilient and adaptable. Discuss a personal or professional challenge you’ve experienced and how you resolved it. Please include insight on what you learned about yourself as a result: (1500 character limit)
- If you will not be a full time student between June 2021-August 2022, please describe in detail your planned activities, including projected time commitment for each activity: (1500 character limit)
- If you chose to pursue one or more growth years prior to applying to medical school, please share insight on your decision: (1500 character limit)
- If you are a re-applicant, please share what you have done to enhance your candidacy and re-application? (1500 character limit)
- Please elaborate on challenges not thoroughly addressed anywhere else in your application (Please feel free to address any or all of the following if applicable: impact of COVID, institutional actions, academics, MCAT, personal difficulties, etc.): (1500 character limit)
- Please discuss any additional information you feel may help us in our review of your candidacy: (1500 character limit)
1500 character limit on all prompts.
- We seek students who are self-aware, resilient and adaptable. Discuss a personal or professional challenge you’ve experienced and how you resolved it. Please include insight on what you learned about yourself as a result:
- We are committed to an environment which fosters collaboration, cohesiveness, equity and social justice. With this in mind, how will you contribute to the NJMS community?
- If you will not be a full-time student between June 2020-August 2021, please describe in detail your planned activities, including projected time commitment for each activity:
- If you chose to pursue one or more gap years prior to applying to medical school, please share insight on your decision:
- If you are a re-applicant, what have you done to enhance your re-application?
- Please discuss any additional information you feel may help us in our review of your candidacy:
- Please elaborate on any academic challenges (including MCAT), institutional actions, and/or personal difficulties not thoroughly addressed anywhere else in your application:
If you have participated in any program(s) affiliated with NJMS (i.e. summer programs, research, high school programs, internships, volunteering, graduate school, etc.), please indicate below. Please provide name(s) and date(s) of program participation:
If you have any relatives currently enrolled or who have graduated from NJMS please provide name(s), relationship to you and graduation year in the space provided below:
If you have any other connections to NJMS, or Rutgers University, please provide details below:
If you previously applied to NJMS through AMCAS or an accelerated program, please provide the following: Program name(s) and Application year(s):
Please indicate below if you previously met with either Dr. Heinrich or Ms. Rivero (prior to July 1, 2018). With whom did you meet and date(s):
NJMS recognizes the importance of diversity in the medical profession. We understand that the applicant pool is multidimensional and as such we would like to learn more about you:
How do you self-identify Racially
How do you self-identify Ethnically
How do you self-identify Culturally
Integrity is a core value at NJMS. Please share your thoughts on Integrity. Additionally, we seek students who are self-aware, resilient and adaptable. Discuss a personal or professional challenge you have experienced and how you resolved it.
NJMS is committed to fostering a collaborative and cohesive environment. With this in mind, how will you contribute to our medical school community?
Please discuss any additional information you feel may help us in our review of your candidacy. Feel free to elaborate on any gaps (educational or experiences), discrepancies in academic history, institutional actions, etc.
2017 – 2018
Same as previous year
2016 – 2017
1.) We value qualities of integrity, humanism, diversity, and cultural competency in our student body. What would you bring to our medical school community? 1500 characters
2.) Please discuss additional information not addressed in your application that you feel is important for the screening committee to know in reviewing your application (i.e. personal experiences, examples of resilience, discrepancies in academic history, etc…).
3.) If there is any other information you feel enriches your candidacy, please feel free to share it here.
4.) If you don’t currently reside in NJ, please share connections (if any) you may have.
5.) If you will not be a full time student between June 2016-August 2017, please describe in detail your planned activities, including chronology and time commitment.
2015 – 2016
We value integrity, humanism, cultural competence in our student body. What would you bring to our school?
If your legal residence on your AMCAS application is not NJ, please discuss specific reasons you have applied to NJMS and include connections you may have (if any) to New Jersey.
Please discuss any additional information that you feel is important to your candidacy for medical school.
If you are not attending college/university full-time as of fall 2014 or during the rest of the academic year, please describe your planned activities from June 2015 – August 2016.
2014 – 2015
Please discuss any personal characteristics that make you a good fit for medicine, as well as a good fit for NJMS.
If your legal residence on your AMCAS application is not NJ, please discuss specific reasons you have applied to NJMS and include connections you may have (if any) to New Jersey.
Please discuss any additional information that you feel is important to your candidacy for medical school.
If you are not attending college/university full-time as of fall 2014 or during the rest of the academic year, please describe your planned activities from June 2014 – August 2015.
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