Here are Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine’s secondary questions
What unique characteristics, abilities, or skills will you bring to help ensure MCOM achieves new heights in medical education? (no character/word limit)
If previously applied, What have you done to strengthen your candidacy since your last application? (optional, 500 characters)
Please list all courses not included in your AACOMAS course history that you plan to complete prior to matriculation. State course name and number, number of semester hours, the name of the college or university, and anticipated date of completion. Please make sure that all prerequisite requirements are accounted for. (optional, 500)
If not currently in school, what have you been doing since you were a full-time student? (optional, 9999)
Were you employed during the regular school year (excluding summers) while in undergraduate school? If so, please state number of hours worked per week and type of work. (9999)
Why do you want to attend RVUCOM and become an Osteopathic Physician? (9999)
How do you envision you will help advance the mission and vision of RVUCOM? (9999)
What unique characteristics, abilities, or skills will you bring to RVUCOM and the Osteopathic Profession? (9999)
Add any additional information that you consider pertinent or that you feel will be of benefit as a student or as an osteopathic physician. (optional, 9999)
Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a criminal offense? If yes, required essay.
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