Secondary Database

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Secondary Questions

Here are Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s secondary questions.

Secondary Essay Editing2024-2025

1. Feinberg’s mission is to train future leaders who will serve their patients, communities and society. Describe one specific aspect of the FSM integrated curriculum that will help you achieve your future goals within medicine and how FSM, located in Chicago, will help you achieve this professional goal. (200 word max)

2. Describe specific steps you take to manage your stress while balancing personal, educational and professional responsibilities. (200 word max)

3. POST-UNDERGRADUATE EXPERIENCES (if applicable): If you have one year or more between college graduation and medical school matriculation, describe both your completed activities and anticipated plans. (200 word max)

4. REAPPLICANT (if applicable): If you are reapplying to medical school, please address steps taken to enhance your application. (200 word max)

5. Do you or an immediate family member have an existing relationship with the Feinberg School of Medicine?

6. The Feinberg School of Medicine values the totality of our students’ experiences. As everyone has their own narrative, please describe how your unique experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 word max)


All 200 word max limits.

1. FEINBERG CURRICULUM: Describe which part (s) of Feinberg’s integrated curriculum you are most excited to engage in and best align with your learning style.

2. COPING STRATEGIES: Describe specific steps you take to manage your stress and maintain wellness while balancing personal, educational, and professional responsibilities.

3. FUTURE CAREER PLANS: Feinberg’s mission is to train future leaders in medicine who will serve their patients, communities and society. Describe one specific goal within medicine and how FSM, located in Chicago, will help you achieve this professional goal.

4. POST-UNDERGRADUATE EXPERIENCES (if applicable): If you have one year or more between college graduation and medical school matriculation, describe both your completed activities and future plans during the gap period.

5. REAPPLICANT (if applicable): If you are reapplying to medical school, please address steps taken to improve your application.

Do you or an immediate family member have an existing relationship with Feinberg School of Medicine?

7. Personal Narrative: The Feinberg School of Medicine values the totality of our students’ experiences. As everyone has their own narrative, please provide more detail about how your unique experiences would enrich the Northwestern community.


  1. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Given the distinctive educational philosophy and integrated curriculum at FSM, describe how your personal characteristics and learning style would align with the institution. (200 words)

  2. COPING SKILLS: Describe specific steps you take to manage your stress and maintain wellness while balancing personal, educational, and professional responsibilities. (200 words)

  3. FUTURE CAREER PLANS: Feinberg’s mission is to train future leaders in medicine who will serve their patients, communities and society. Describe one specific goal within medicine and how FSM, located in Chicago which is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the country, will help you achieve this professional goal. (200 words)

  4. COVID-19 IMPACT: Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional challenges, as well as any other relevant information. (200 words)

  5. POST-UNDERGRADUATE EXPERIENCES (if applicable): If you have a year or more between college graduation and medical school matriculation, describe both your completed activities and future plans during the gap period. (200 words)

  6. REAPPLICANT (if applicable): If you are a reapplicant this cycle, please address steps taken to improve your application for medical school. (200 words)

  7. PERSONAL NARRATIVE: The Feinberg School of Medicine values diversity as a measure of excellence. We define diversity as the totality of the characteristics and experiences of our students. We believe that a diverse student body improves the educational environment and the ability of our graduates to serve an increasingly diverse patient population. Everyone has their own narrative. Please provide more detail about how your experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 words)

MSTP application questions

  1. Why did you choose your undergraduate major? How does the subject appeal to you? (200 words)

  2. Name a scientific paper that you have read recently that had a strong impact on you and describe what impact it had. (200 words)

  3. Discuss a current unanswered question in biomedical research that you find particularly interesting and what research you would like to see done to address it. (200 words)

  4. If you have (or expect to have) a year or more between college graduation and medical school matriculation, describe your activities and/or plans. (200 words)

  5. If you are a re-applicant this cycle, please address steps taken to improve your application. If not a reapplicant, please enter “N/A”. (200 words)

  6. What is the most gratifying research experience you have had to date and why? What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in research and how did you overcome it? (200 words)

  7. Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional barriers, as well as any other relevant information. (200 words)

  8. Personal Narrative: The Feinberg School of Medicine values diversity as a measure of excellence. We define diversity as the totality of the characteristics and experiences of our students. We believe that a diverse student body improves the educational environment and the ability of our graduates to serve an increasingly diverse patient population. Everyone has their own narrative. Please provide more detail about how your experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 words)

Secondaries can make or break an application. With numerous essays, generic questions, and deadlines, secondary applications for medical school can be overwhelming.
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