MCAT Basics Podcast

Learning and Memory

Learning and memory are foundational concepts that play a critical role in acing the MCAT, especially in the Psych/Soc section.

In this episode, host Sam Smith discusses the key concepts of learning and memory, covering the brain structures involved in memory formation, like the hippocampus and amygdala, as well as the different types of memory—explicit, implicit, and working memory. Sam also explores types of learning, including latent learning, observational learning, and the essential principles of classical and operant conditioning, and more.

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Jump into the conversation:

(00:00) Intro

(01:03) How brain structures support learning and memory

(02:39) The role of memory in learning processes

(03:20) How the information processing model explains memory

(16:28) Types of learning: latent, observational, and conditioning

(17:48) How observational learning works in social contexts

(18:23) Overview of classical and operant conditioning

(34:44) MCAT Advice of the Day

Sam Smith

Sam completed his Bachelors of Science in Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder. Following his graduation, he worked at the National Institutes of Health Vaccine Research Center studying HIV. Meanwhile, with a microphone in his garage, Sam founded the MCAT Basics podcast. The podcast has grown to become the top rated MCAT podcast on iTunes. In addition to podcasting, Sam enjoys the outdoors, sports, and his friends and family.

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