Dr. Erkeda DeRouen talks to Dr. Love Nafi, a family medicine physician and an award winning filmmaker. They talk about cultivating creativity in medicine to honor every individual’s authentic self.
- [01:12] Introducing Dr. Love Nafi
- [04:07] Keeping Creativity Alive in Medicine
- [07:02] Dr. Nafi’s Latest Film “Crown”
- [12:16] Healthcare in Media
- [14:56] What Dr. Nafi Would Change About Healthcare
Cultivating Creativity in Medicine
In the journey to becoming a physician, it’s important to remain true to who you are. Don’t give up your passions outside of medicine. Instead, make an effort to keep your creativity alive. It may be as simple as visiting art galleries, reading books, or listening to stories. Continue to make time for things that make you happy.
Dr. Love Nafi’s Latest Film “Crown”
Crown is a 20 minute short film that was co-written and directed by Dr. Nafi and her partner. It depicts a young Black girl who struggles to style her hair for her ballet audition. The film takes its name from the “Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair” (C.R.O.W.N) Act. Hair discrimination is still prevalent in different fields, even in medicine. Dr. Nafi’s film aims to highlight this issue, while honoring each individual’s right to express themselves authentically.
Healthcare in Social Media
Patients consume all kinds of media every day. When making medical content, remember to maintain a level of professionalism and to differentiate between pop culture and verified findings. When patients open up about what they’ve learned online, it can be a good segue to help them access resources that are trustworthy and relevant.
You can reach Dr. Love Nafi through her Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram. Check out her website and YouTube channel for more details about her films.
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