Rounds to Residency

The Alphabet Soup of Pain Treatment & Management Recap

Chase DiMarco is joined by Dr. Mitchell Cohn, a retired osteopathic physician and author of “Osteopathy and the Zombie Apocalypse: A Career Guide for Pre-Med & Pre-College Students”, to discuss the differences between pain treatment & pain management and his experience with PIT or Perineural Injection Therapy.

  • [03:00] Differences in Pain Management vs. Pain Treatment
  • [08:32] The Different Osteopathic Approaches
  • [11:08] Dr. Cohn Explains Perineural Injection Therapy
  • [18:07] Stem Cells and Prolotherapy
  • [23:45] The Medical Community on Perineural Injection Therapy

Differences in Pain Management vs. Pain Treatment and the Problem with Pain Management

Pain management is a sub-set of pain medicine and is about learning to live with lifelong pain. On the other hand, pain treatment is trying to find the root cause of a patient’s pain and getting rid of the source to help cure it.

Finding the Source of Mechanical Pain

Between 57-80% of pain starts with mechanical pain and pain that did not start off as mechanical are harder to find a cause and treat since it could be neurological or something that is affecting the central nervous system directly. But for a mechanical origin, contrary to popular belief, Dr. Cohn states that in most cases, if the source of ongoing tissue irritation can be located, the source of pain will be rid of.

Dr. Cohn’s Approaches in Pain Management

One of his approaches in pain management is the Osteopathic Approach, which is treating the patient as an entire unit, intellectually and holistically. His other approach is through PIT or Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT) wherein you inject only 5% dextrose near an injured or inflamed nerve which helps stop the pain stops instantaneously and if done enough times, can heal the nerve.

You can reach Dr. Cohn through

Chase DiMarco

Chase DiMarco is an MS, MBA-HA and MD/Ph.D-candidate. He is the founder of MedEd University, a free medical education resource, the host of the Medical Mnemonist & Rounds to Residency podcasts creator of several medical education platforms, and CEO of FindARotation clinical rotations service.

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