The ProspectiveDoctor Podcast

Podcast Episode 34: Getting Ready to Begin Medical School

A lot of people have been writing to Renee lately talking about their acceptances to medical school. It’s a monumental accomplishment, and anybody that receives an acceptance should be super proud of themselves.

As excited as you are, there are a lot of decisions that need to be made in the coming months before you start medical school. Renee talks about a few of those today.

[1:16] Take some time to celebrate your accomplishment.

When Renee was applying to medical school and got her first acceptance, she felt like it was the first time in months that she could actually take a deep breath and relax. Take some time to enjoy it and be proud of it.

[1:55] Make your deposit for that medical school acceptance.

Most of the time when medical schools send you an acceptance, they give you a timeline to accept it and place a deposit to hold your seat in class. Do it. Even if it’s not the top medical school or if you’re holding out hope to get accepted somewhere else, absolutely, place that deposit. If you don’t get any other acceptances, you want to make sure that you reserve that seat.

[2:35] Start looking into the medical school in more detail.

Where is it? How far is it? Can you drive there? Can you fly there? Will you have to ship your stuff there? Can you take a U-Haul there? Do you have family in the area? Should you go visit the area beforehand? You should be excited about all of these things, but also start thinking about them logistically.

[3:06] Start thinking about where you’re going to live.

If you want to consider student housing, a lot of medical schools will need you to get on the wait list right away. Off-campus housing is also doable, but Renee recommends living within twenty minutes of the medical school because you’re going to be going so often. Housing options can fill up quickly and some cities make it pretty difficult to get housing in the area.

[5:08] Start getting together financial aid.

If you have family or scholarships that are going to be contributing, start accounting for those now. If not, the next thing to do is start getting all of your financial aid documents available so that you can complete the ones required by your medical school.

[5:46] Have some fun during the summer.

When you start medical school, it’s going to be an uphill climb. You’re going to be studying a lot and it will be a big adjustment, so have some fun before you start.

[6:51] If there is a revisit day or second-look day, try to attend.

These are days that the medical school hosts applicants who have been accepted. Renee recommends doing this if you have the opportunity. It gives you a chance to become comfortable with the school and maybe even meets some peers and faculty.

[7:32] Get all of your tech gear in order.

See what the school primarily uses for their lecture and learning format. Maybe you need a new laptop or to update what you currently have. Think about that now so you don’t have to play catch-up later on.

[8:11] Start getting other important documents together.

Medical schools will often require certain documentation. This could be vaccination reports, health records, tuberculosis test reports, verification of courses, and so on. Contact the medical school if they haven’t explicitly stated the documents they require and ask them.

[9:01] Move.

Most people attending medical school will have to move, so if you have to, get ready. Renee recommends trying to move at least a few weeks before starting medical school so you can get to know the area and the people.



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