The ProspectiveDoctor Podcast

Introducing the World of Podiatry

Dr. Erkeda DeRouen is joined by Dr. Tea Nguyen, the show’s very first podiatrist. Dr. Nguyen is a podiatrist who has her own private practice in Sta. Cruz, California. She joins Dr. Erkeda to discuss the world of podiatry and how diverse this branch of the medical field can be.

  • [01:06] Dr. Tea Nguyen and Choosing Podiatry
  • [04:55] Training for Podiatrist
  • [07:06] Ways to Work in the Field
  • [09:25] Learnings from Podiatry
  • [10:58] Tracks to Employment
  • [12:32] Pearls for Podiatry (for takeaway)
  • [14:00] What Would You Change in Healthcare

Becoming a Podiatrist

Podiatrists are specialized in one specific body part only, the feet. Dr. Tea Nguyen had the ambition to help solve general medical matters, and by doing so, decided to pursue the field of podiatric studies. Dr. Nguyen wanted to hone her skills to learn more about foot anatomy as well as work on a body part that was less intimate. In terms of training, she went through the same training MDs and DOs by going through podiatry schools and gained the specialized experiences.

What to Expect in Podiatry

Working in this specific field is dynamic as long as you are addressing the issues centered around the foot area. For interested students, there are many ways to earn as a podiarist either through hospitals, organizations, or be your private entity. As for the patient inquiries, Dr. Nguyen cited 4 common queries that podiatrists address on a daily basis. These include aching feet, changing nail color, hindering pain from activities, and diabetes.

Reach out to Dr. Tea Nguyen through her Instagram profile. Got questions, feedback, or suggestions? Send a message to Dr. Erkeda DeRouen’s Instagram or MedSchoolCoach’s Instagram.

Erkeda DeRouen

Dr. Erkeda DeRouen is a graduate of Hampton University with a B.S. in Biological Sciences, followed by completing medical school at the Boston University School of Medicine. She then completed residency at The University of Maryland Family and Community Medicine Program. After that, she worked at an underserved community health center, and currently is an Associate Medical Director of a telemedicine company. She recently became one of the first 1,000 lifestyle medicine certified physicians in the world! Her areas of interest include: health equity and eliminating health disparities, service of underserved populations, HIV management, transgender care, mentorship, and lifestyle medicine.

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