Getting into Medical SchoolZ FAQ Tab

How Do I Apply to Medical School?

Most US MD programs and MD-granting Caribbean programs participate in the AMCAS, or the American Medical College Application Service. Using this service, you can apply to almost all MD schools with one application. You fill out the AMCAS and check which schools you want AMCAS to send your application.

Most US MD schools outside of Texas participate in this service, whereas Texas residents must apply via TMDSAS.

US DO schools participate in the AACOMAS (American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service), which is the DO equivalent of the AMCAS. Again, you fill out the AACOMAS and choose which schools to send the application out to.

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Medical schools outside of the US might have different application processes.

Note that medical schools have primary applications and secondary applications. The AMCAS and AACOMAS are used only for the primary applications. After respective schools receive a student’s primary application through these services, schools will send out a secondary application specific for that particular school.

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Renee Marinelli MD

Renee graduated magna cum laude from California State University San Marcos with a bachelor’s degree in Biology. While attending school, she worked for a neurosurgeon where she led clinical trials. Renee attended the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine where she served on the admissions committee and interviewed many applicants. In medical school, Renee met her future husband, a military scholarship student. After medical school, both Renee and her husband attended family medicine residency in Hawaii where she also served on the residency admissions committee. She has mentored and assisted many students in the medical school admissions process and brings a wealth of experience serving on both medical school and residency admission committees. She is excited to continue to provide guidance to students while spending quality time with her son.

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