Discover how to create visual mnemonics, dynamic stories, and add these into a memory palace.
Here is our second part of the accelerated learning and mnemonics recap of all 2019 highlights! You will get a much more succinct view of how to create visual mnemonics, how to create dynamic stories and an introduction in adding these into a memory palace. The third part of the accelerated learning recap will finalize this part of the mini-series by condensing a year of great memory palace techniques, mistakes, and more into one informative episode!
Key Episode Points!
2:42 Creating Visualizations- Visual Aids for Memory Techniques
5:40 Peg System Example with Howard Berg
11:29 Using Associations to Create Dynamic Visuals
16:53 The Story/Linking Method
22:50 An Intro to Memory Palaces
39:53 You are Invited! Check out our first Meetup and Other Events to Come